BronxCare Health System

BronxCare’s OR Team Earns National Recognition

Teresa Pedretti-Ramos, RN, Director, Perioperative Services, with OR Team.
Teresa Pedretti-Ramos, RN, Director, Perioperative Services (fourth from left), with OR Team (L to R): Peta Gaye Brooks-Smith, RN, Operating Room Manager; Luis Rivera, Surgical Technician; Dr. Crista-Gaye N. Foster, Attending, Anesthesiology; Heesoog Jo, RN; Deoki Mana, RN; Yvonne Chan Maximo, RN, Clinical Resource Manager, and Donyela Alston, Surgical Technician.

BronxCare’s OR Team Earns National Recognition BronxCare’s OR team received the Go Clear Silver Award™ from the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) for its achievements in eliminating hazardous smoke from surgical procedures. This award was accepted by Teresa Pedretti-Ramos, Director, Perioperative Services, and BronxCare’s OR nurses. The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses recognizes health care facilities that are committed to providing increased surgical patient and health care worker safety through the implemention of practices that eliminate smoke caused by the use of lasers and electro-surgery devices during surgery. BronxCare’s OR Team earned this award by undergoing comprehensive surgical smoke-related education and testing, as well as providing the medical devices and resources necessary to eliminate surgical smoke, an unwanted by-product of energy-generating devices that are used in 90 percent of surgeries.

“With this award, BronxCare is demonstrating its deep commitment to the health and safety of its staff and community,” stated Linda Groah, MSN, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC, FAAN, CEO/Executive Director of AORN.

“We are most appreciative to be recognized by this prestigious Association for our OR excellence,” stated Ms. Pedretti-Ramos.